Pulls the site or drive (if given) or returns the stored default. Useful if you need to use methods that aren't currently wrapped by tntpr
- site
Site identifier. Can be the site name, id, URL, or an ms_site object. If no site identifier is provided, uses the stored default site if it exists.
- drive
Drive identifier. Can be the drive name, id, or an ms_drive object. If site is provided but drive is not, uses the first drive of the provided site. If neither is provided, uses the stored default drive if it exists.
if (FALSE) { # interactive()
# Get current default site or drive
x <- sp_site()
y <- sp_drive()
# Get specified site or drive
x <- sp_site("Data Analytics")
y <- sp_drive("Documents") # Uses stored default site
y <- sp_drive("Documents", site = "Data Analytics") # Use provided site
# Use additional methods in the site/drive objects
y$get_item_properties("Analysis Tools.docx")